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Haydn Road contributions

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almost 3 years ago


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There seems to be little to recommend this scheme as it stands, it looks like it was thought up before Robin Hood and Covid affected the Council's pocket but is being pushed through anyway. To gauge the traffic on Haydn Road watch the parents of infant age children approaching the school from the west. Because the entrance is closer than the crossing most parents cross the road before the crossing. If it was bad they would walk the extra 50 yards to the crossing. It isn't bad so they don't bother. The area immediately east of the tyre garage is often a pinch point, with traffic reduced to single file, waiting for oncoming traffic to clear. That renders the Devonshire Road plan almost redundant, unless the plan is to slow traffic leaving the shops? The trees planned for the SUDS provide no benefit but obscure road users vision, both on Haydn Road and joining it. It's a costly, poor solution to a poorly identified problem.

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almost 3 years ago


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Why are no crossings being planned for the other end of Haydn Road near Nottingham Free School. There are no crossings on this stretch of road at all unless you walk up to Nottingham Road. Also, It is extremely difficult to get out of Quorn Road at busy times due to the constant stream of traffic along Haydn Road. Quorn Road is also like a race track for people cutting through to beat the queues on Haydn. Disappointing to see nothing being done at this end.

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Mostly positive

almost 3 years ago


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Mostly positive

If you have any comments on these proposals, please let us know.

Generally the scheme is a good idea, however the angle of the speed ramps should be less severe than those currently installed. Speed ramps are a good idea BUT even at 20mph they cause damage to vehicles and are not always easily passable by "low height" vehicles. The council should also be looking at maintaining some of it's existing roads, Nottinghams roads are some of the poorest in the country, temporary repairs to pot holes do not last more than a few weeks.

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Mostly positive

almost 3 years ago


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Mostly positive

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These proposals are encouraging to see but I feel a second raised zebra crossing wood be much more beneficial. There is already a raised zebra crossing outside Hayden Primary School and it is very good at slowing the traffic and also allowing pedestrians to safely cross the road. There is a raised crossing further along Hayden road near the school playing field that from what I can see has been a complete waste of money! First, it has been "patched up" numerous times due to what I assume is poor build quality! secondly, as it is not a zebra crossing pedestrians can stand waiting to cross for what can feel like ages whilst waiting for a lull in the traffic (in both directions) or the rare kindness and patients of a driver (and often finding the driver on the other side of the road is not so patient!). The zebra crossing already on Hayden road has needed very little maintenance that I have seen since it has been there and is surely more cost effective and efficient in slowing traffic whilst also encouraging people to walk in a safe environment. Given there are two schools on Hayden Road, pedestrians should have priority when trying to cross the road!

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almost 3 years ago


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Excellent news! Hope this calms the traffic on Haydn Road. Congratulations on leading the way with sustainable drainage, we need more of this type of project in affected areas all over the city

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